Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
Each week you tell yourself that if you just keep your head down and plough through the to do list then you’ll finally get caught up. All life’s day to day stuff will at last be under control.
How’s that working out for you?
I get it. The idea is that it’ll clear the decks. That it’ll create headspace for the things you’ve been planning to get to ‘tomorrow’.
That it’ll mean next week is definitely THE week where you get to escape the routine and actually spend time on your more exciting longer term ideas.
But… after yet another week with your nose to the grindstone, you look at your list only to find it is still as long as ever with new items being added as quickly as you tick off existing tasks.
The point is life doesn’t ever really calm down. As soon as one thing start to settle or fade into normal then a new thing comes along to take its place.
If you’re telling yourself that you need to wait until life calms down before you do the things that would make life fun, enjoyable, and fulfilling then you are going to be waiting a long, long time (possibly forever!).
“I am beyond satisfied with Your Balance Life Blueprint course – it has helped me rewire my brain to think about my life, even down to the simplest daily tasks, to use my time more mindfully and get way more out of my life. I am more calm, more organised, and less distracted (in other words – focused) in all areas of my life.
Or, more accurately, lists, plural.
Work, household, kids, pets, finances, PTA, gym club… written on scraps of paper, random pages in a notebook, hiding in your emails,…
They’re so long, by the time you’ve read them, there’s no time to do anything from them.
You’d like to say there was method in the madness. But it all feels so out of your control.
✅ Business… take care of client calls, be first port of call for your team’s queries, deal with all the back office paperwork,…
✅ Kids… ferry them to after school clubs, arrange play dates, make sure they’ve done their homework,…
✅ Walk the dog, phone your parents, check in on your mate going through a nasty divorce,…
By the time you’ve taken care of the rest of the world, you’ve run out of time and energy for yourself.
❌ Time for you… curl up with a good book, potter round the garden, make it to your favourite exercise class,…
You have 2 lists. List One: Things to do ‘today’. List Two: Things to do ‘one day’. The both look the same, day after day.
Thins to do ‘today’ keeps getting refilled. Mostly the same old sh1t on repeat. With the added bonus of an unexpected, last minute curveball regularly thrown in for good measure.
List Two is where you want to spend your time. List One is where you actually spend your time. Groundhog day.
Things you’re excited about but that are a little bit scary. Quoting for a big client that would shift your business up a gear. Taking the lead on a high profile project at the office.
Things you know you need to do but just don’t like doing. Reconciling bank balances, going to the dentist.
Things you’ve been asked to and didn’t think of an excuse quickly enough to say no to.
So many excuses why things don’t need to be done now, right?
“I cannot express in words what I am getting out of the course.
I think you are totally fantastic in what you do and the way you do the course with so much feedback, help and support but also just your level of knowledge and the way you explain things.
It is like you are filling in all the missing pieces of the puzzle that I have been searching for my whole life (and I am only halfway through).
I can’t thank you enough, Natalie 🙏. I am feeling raring to go now with renewed energy and clarity.#
Each day feels horribly similar to the previous ones (no sooner is the washing done than the next pile is waiting for you).
Heck, it isn’t even the days that blur… weeks (even months) pass without any signs of progress on longer held dreams…
… the business you’d like to start or scale, the courses you’d like to enroll on, the home renovation you’ve been daydreaming about… they always feel just out of reach.
You’re starting to wonder if by the time you get t them you’ll have missed the moment and will need to chalk them up to one of life’s regrets.
You start the day with a list of things to do. But before your first cup of coffee has gone cold, some has asked if you can ‘just’ do do xyz.
XYZ being anything they chose not to prirotise and/or didn’t think worthy of their time (but somehow is fine for you to do).
‘Can you just pick up something for me, it won’t take long’ (but long enough that they don’t make time to do it! why would they? They know they only need to ask you (at the last minute).
Or the dreaded call from school ‘your child has puked can you please come and collect them’. Which means keeping them home for at least the next 48 hours, messing up tomorrow’s plans as well.
Deadlines come flying at you. No matter how fast you tick things off there’s always the next thing on the list that needs doing NOW. Or quite possibly yesterday.
Return your child’s form by Monday. Client proposal to be submitted by the end of play this week. Book your hair appointment before the roots and showing and it looks like a crow’s nest.
All these deadlines dictate your day. Your to do list seems to get decide for you.
Activities you’d like to give your time and energy to don’t seem to feature. Hanging out with mates, getting into a regular exercise routine, reading a book, all crowded out by urgent tasks demanding your attention.
Before joining I struggled with prioritising my tasks and planning what needed to be done and when. I no longer feel so overwhelmed but instead I feel more in control. It has changed my perception on life. I am able to prioritise time for myself.
You started your business or chose your career for the flexibility and fulfilment it offered. But instead of fitting around your life, it’s too often the other way around.
Learn the systems that will enable your work life to run smoothly, so that you spend your time in your zone of genius, doing your best work, developing your team to be more independent of you, working with your favourite clients.
And do so in the hours you want to work. No more wondering how much of your evenings and weekends need to be spent working just to keep your head above water.
Stop working all evening, try to catch up, crashing into bed way too late, tossing and turning all night worrying about all the things you forgot or ran out of time for. And then waking up tired.
Instead wake up refreshed, with a clear plan for the day fill with activities that deserve your time and energy, that you’re excited to spend time on.
Feel confident you can easily stick to your plan. Flowing through it with easy and grace, ticking those tasks off. Able to go to bed with a clear conscience and drop into a deep and refreshing sleep.
Systems and structure don’t sound exciting. And often they aren’t. But… don’t confuse the process with the outcome. The aim isn’t to make everything a process.
You’re going to systematise the tedious tasks. Time blocks outside of that are all yours. To do with as you like.
Friend phones and invites you to lunch, yes please. Happy client refers you and new prospect want to jump on a discovery call, let’s get them a zoom link asap.
Say goodbye to feeling like a hamster on a wheel, constantly cycling through unfulfilling tasks. Things like washing/meal prep/tidying. Where as soon as you’ve done them the clock is ticking before they need doing again.
Discover ways of working that still keep life’s day to day ticking along and running smoothly. In as little time as possible. And…
Also has room for the things you’d LIKE to do. Without worrying about what isn’t getting done. Quality time with the kids where you are truly present, studying for a career change, doing up the garden, etc.
Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right – Henry Ford.
If you don’t have faith in you and your plan then you likely won’t commit to it.
You might show willing to begin with but the moment there’s a bump in the road you bail.
You’re not sure whether the fault lies with you or the plan. Either way you don’t want to risk wasting time, effort or energy so you quietly let it slide.
Imagine knowing not only how to make an effective plan but also having absolute trust in yourself and your systems to follow through. To see your dreams become reality.
At the moment you probably don’t even feel like there is any time available to spend with all those you’d like to connect with.
And when you do sit down with them, you’re pre-occupied rather than fully present. Half your mind is still churning over what hasn’t yet got done from your to do lists.
I have learnt to trust my system. I am more relaxed and focused because I know what is important to me and what to do about it.
YBLB has given me the tools to start working on building my own business – something that was only a vague idea before.
Create a calm, organised & fulfilling life as you balance work, family & home using this proven step-by-step blueprint (amplified with supportive coaching calls) to transform your life from surviving to thriving.
The reality is, without a support system to stop you feeling exhausted and leaving you dashing from job to job, you’re going to stay stuck in tedious, time stuck tasks.
Module 1 is all about getting core habits in place, making life flow smoothly and opening up time in your daily calendar for those meatier projects you’ve been promising to start ‘soon’.
Too much stuff competing for your time and attention is just so overwhelming, right? You can’t find what you need when you need it. The thought of guests seeing the mess sends you into a cold sweat.
Module 2 is all abut creating an environment that is calm, relaxed and supportive. Allowing you to mindfully stay on task producing your best work in the least amount of time.
I joined thinking it would help me figure out and maintain a work-life balance and give me strategies to help me at work. It did.
But it also took me by surprise that it made me look inwards on myself and gave me a push to look after myself, ask myself what I want. I’m not sure I had really taken the time to ask myself that before.
I highly recommend this investment in yourself.
You’ve got #All.The.Things spinning round your head. The client project due tomorrow, the ever changing roster of kids activities, the dripping tap that needs fixing, …
Leaving you with zero bandwidth to map out the best way to get them all done.
Module 3 gives you the tools to quiet the mind and open up the brain space to focus on the task in hand.
You’ve been dreaming of a balanced life for a while now, right?
Here’s the thing. Most people can’t even articulate what that means. Which makes it pretty much impossible to turn into reality.
In module 4 you get to ditch the daily grind and pin down your version of a balanced life.
I finish each day feeling like I’ve achieve something and I’m far less stressed. I am constantly learning new things that help to improve my work/life balance.
The support that Natalie provides is second to none. I have benefitted so much from Natalie’s wealth of experience and information when it comes to time management.
When I see other say that they are struggling and feeling really stressed out by how much they have to do, I immediately recommend that they get in touch with Natalie.
Move from reactive, firefighting mode to flowing through the day with ease & calm as well as a sense of purpose & progress.
Module 5 sets you up to know exactly what deserves your time and energy. And give you the confidence to ditch the rest.
Stop overestimating what you can do in a day and underestimating what you can do in a year.
You can’t remember the last time that you ticked off your entire daily to do list. So you hold back on actively growing your client base, raising your hand for a high profile project at work, or volunteering as a helper at your kids’ activities.
In Module 6 you’ll use time to your advantage. You’ll see how it is possible to build your longer term ambitions into your daily and weekly plans.
I love the activity book and home that accompanies the videos. I find writing things down really helps to retain the information and makes me feel more accountable to myself.
The modules are ideal in their bite-sized chunk format that even the most overwhelmed min can approach gently.
Overcommitting, feeling stressed all day, getting sucked into other people’s priorities. Not feeling like your time is your own.
You’re so over that, right?
Module 7 gives you the time management techniques that put you in control of your time. You’ll run the day, rather than it running you ragged.
You’ve been there before. You’ve busted a gut to get everything organised. But then you’ve hit burnout.
Whilst you recover and regroup, all your previous effort goes to waste. And you’re back at square one.
Module 8 will get you streamlined & systematised so that you sustain the balanced life you’ve carved out.
I am more relaxed and in control of what is happening in my life, both at work and at home.
I feel empowered to ask for help and have learned to delegate to ease the pressure. The knock on effect in my family, although not perfect by any means, has been great and my kids and hubby are all now taking charge of their own stuff instead of always relying on me.
I have allowed myself some time off and have reconnected with some great friends that I had almost lost touch with due to the feelings of never enough time.
Not only has my work and personal life improved, but my home looks so much better after the continuous work invested in decluttering, as I have completed each room we have redecorated it and so not only do I have a tidy home (well, not always I have four men still living at home) I also have a lovely new colour scheme in each room.
Serena Williams had Patrick Mouratoglou. Lewis Hamilton had Angela Cullen. Ellie Simmonds had Billie Pye.
These top-flight sports people don’t do it along. They each have a coach.
… that’s because a generic training regime isn’t enough. They know an expert eye giving tailored feedback is vital.
It accelerates their results. They need less time and energy to achieve their desired results.
With weekly coaching calls you don’t have to create an overarching, overwhelming plan that leaves you like a rabbit in headlights.
Together we’ll explore what you want to achieve. How you like to work. What circumstances you feel are constraining you.
And then devise an bespoke action plan you can implement fast.
Review, revise, refine. Return to the next coaching call and create the next iteration.
Just like those top athletes do, after every competition, match or race.
My coaching style?
The survey says…
Down to earth. Enthusiastic. Approachable.
Authentic. Affirming. Action Oriented.
As a productivity coach I’ve helped business owners and corporate professionals to ditch, delegate and streamline lower level tasks, freeing up their time to pursue more exciting, profitable & fulfilling projects.
From department head … to Managing Director. From start side hustle … to scaling a profitable business.
The coaching calls unlock your own personal path. you suddenly see how it’s all possible. And how simple it is.
Usually followed by a facepalm moment where you wonder how you couldn’t see it previously. You can’t see the label from inside the jar.
That balanced life that you can feel in your bones. It’s absolutely attainable.
And together we can map out how to make it a reality.
Maybe you’re worried about carving out time for this?
Here’s what Karen would tell you:
“I loved how the lessons are broken down, with many of them only being 5-10 minutes. This made it easy to fit into small pockets of time across the week.”
And of course these are investments of time. They will pay back as soon as you start putting them into action.
Or you’re worried about whether it will work for you?
Some of the people this has worked for before includes: a financial adviser (running her own business of financial advisers), a headteacher (during COVID), a Quickbooks certified bookkeeper, an ICU senior sister, a leadership coach, a self-employed swim instructor, a corporate accounts manager, and many more. Which of these roles is most like you?
Some had pre-school children, others had teenagers. Some were approaching becoming empty nestes and others were retired grandmothers.
The programme teaches you the fundamental, foundational skills that apply consistently, no matter what your circumstances. The coaching calls enable us to work together to refine, hone and tailor them to you, to your personality, to your circumstances.
Or maybe you’re concerned about whether you can be consistent and see this thing through?
Here’s what some of those who have been through have to say:
“The coaching calls made me prioritise the course and held me accountable.”
“The coaching calls gave me a reason to book time out for myself in my diary and I made it my absolute priority.”
Before I started the programme I felt lost, unorganised and very often overwhelmed. I didn’t really know what my priorities were. I was jut kind of going along with things in my life and feeling like I had little control over where I ended up.
The Balanced Life Blueprint programme has offered me a new and healthy perspective on the thing I want in my life and it has given me all the tools I needed t find some direction and define how I can achieve the things I want.
Natalie is an incredibly supportive and attentive coach. The weekly Zoom meetings really do make all the difference.
Your step-by-step, drip released blueprint to create a calm, organised & fulfilling life and transform your life from surviving to thriving.
Your opportunity to access my years of experience to fast track your results, fine tune your plans and uncover the hidden beliefs holding you back.
Grow your business with ease so that you make more profit in fewer hours
Be present rather than preoccupied during time with family & friends
Regularly indulge in your favourite activities without feeling guilty or selfish
Exercise and follow healthy habits so that you feel amazing and fully of energy
Pursue long held passions that always seem like ‘one day’ possibilities
Put your feet up and do absolutely nothing. Outrageous!!
Of course you could.
Spending hours reading books, scanning blog posts and watching YouTube videos. Most of them covering surface level ‘10 tips to … or ‘5 mistakes to avoid’. Telling you what to do but missing out the all important HOW.
Generic, disjointed tips that you have to piece together yourself to fit your life.
Your Balanced Life Blueprint offers you a carefully curated experience. Delivering the how as well as the what. Laying it out step-by-step, in a very intentional order, within a tried and tested framework.
All specifically tailored to women engaged in a demanding job role or running their own business, who also want to
– enjoy time with the kids before they are too embarrassed to be seen with their mum
a warm,
– welcoming home where the thought of guests dropping by unannounced doesn’t send them into a cold sweat
– relaxing downtime to catch up with friends, relish favourite pastimes, set up self care routines, …
Topped off with added layers of
– hot seat coaching to fast track your results,
– accountability to keep you focused and motivated
None of those YouTube videos come with all that.
You’re wondering whether you’ve really got time for this.
At the same time you spot the irony of not having time to learn how to manage your time better.
This programme is designed specifically with you in mind. Each module is broken down into bite size lessons to fit in the small pockets of time that you do have.
Previous participant, Karen, said:
“I loved how the lessons are broken down, with many of them only being 5-10 minutes. This made it easy to fit into small pockets of time across the week.”
Put in 2 hours a week and you’ll see that 2 hours (and more) come straight back at you.
Right from the get go.
In week one you’ll learn where the time leaks are in your day and plug those holes.
You’ll also discover how to streamline your day so you not only get more done… but actually get more of the impactful stuff done.
And then you’ll have created the time needed for the rest of the programme… where you’ll keep increasing how much you get done, and reducing the time needed to get it done.
This is the most common question from people who decide to invest and change their life.
That’s why the modules are drip released. So you don’t get overwhelmed. As well as having consolidation and catch up weeks baked into the experience.
You get lifetime access… it’s impossible to be behind.
If you win a large new client or your kids take it in turns to be off school ill, you just work through at your own pace. #LifeHappens
Dip in and out in the time you have available.
You’ll always be one step ahead of where you were the day before.
You’re a busy person, there’s always something new on the horizon. Am I right?
But if you were a betting person, how much would you stake on you not having another new project by then?
Waiting for life to calm down before you take time to discover the steps to help life become calmer… can you see how that cycle keeps you stuck on a treadmill? Running just to stand still.
It’s great you feel you don’t need all the modules. You’ll get even more out of the programme.
You’ll be able to dive deeper and go ninja level on the modules you’ve already a good grasp of.
You’ll have more time for the modules you aren’t yet so confident about.
However the secret sauce of the programme is in how the modules work together. It has been developed over several years so that each element flows and creates the foundation for the next.
Selling the modules individually wouldn’t give the same results.
Long story short. Can you buy them individually… no.
Hats off that you’ve done such an amazing job of juggling it all so far. However, you’ve reached a crossroads.
You love the idea of throwing your name in the ring for the next big promotion. Or significantly expanding your business and shifting from solopreneur to CEO with a team to serve more clients.
But… you feel like life at its current level is barely under control. You’re spinning plates, but with a niggly feeling in your stomach that one of them could crash down at any moment.
So you’re left wondering… ‘how will I juggle it all at that next level?’. And with that thought in your head, you hold back. Feeling frustrated and restrained.
You are the perfect fit for Your Balanced Life Blueprint.
Your vision of who you could be and what you could achieve will provide a ‘North Star’ focus to your journey through the programme.
The programme will help you
– systemise and streamline the operational elements of your day
– create the larger time blocks needed for the deep work thinking where you bring your experience and expertise to full effect
– map out longer time lines so bigger projects make it off your ‘one day’ list and see progress right now
Fabulous. But your creativity doesn’t flow when you’re stressing about the pile of receipts you should’ve got to the bookkeeper or worrying about the state of the place in case guests drop round. Right?
Your Balanced Life Blueprint isn’t going to box you in. It’s going to help you box in those tedious time suck tasks that are currently taking up brainspace. You’ll get them done quicker and easier.
Leaving more time and more mental bandwidth for you and your imagination to run wild and free.
You’re amongst good company. Many people who invest in Your Balanced Life Blueprint describe themselves the same.
Past attempts often involved trying to organise everything all at once – grow and train a new team at work, declutter the entire house, whilst running taxi service for all the kids’ activities. Hmmm, I wonder why that felt overwhelming and was unsustainable?
But the straightforward, step-by-step approach inside Your Balanced Life Blueprint enabled them to clear backlogs without hitting burnout and build lifelong habits that keep them on track.
And it can do for you because you’ll do one lesson and focus on just that piece of the puzzle. No overwhelm. You’ll add the next step when you feel ready. Making it sustainable.
After completing check out, you’ll receive an email from Acuity (my booking platform). This will give you a booking code for you to book in your calls at times that suit you.
You’ll also receive an email with your log in details to the programme. You’ll then have access to the Foundation Module so you can dive in and start getting results.
The modules initially drop weekly. But as the programme develops there are consolidation weeks because #LifeHappens.
These allow you to go through content that you hadn’t yet had time to watch. Or revisit and refine something you’ve started to implement and are now ready to level up on.
You’ll continue to have lifetime access to all the modules, bonuses and coaching call recordings.
Any time life changes, eg kids growing up and becoming more independent, pivoting your business direction, taking on a senior office manager so you can fully step into the CEO role, etc it’ll all still be there.
You can go back through, listening from your new viewpoint, taking in things that weren’t as pertinent first time through, creating a new balanced life blueprint to reflect and make the most of your changing circumstances.
A financial adviser, a headteacher (during COVID), a Quickbooks certified bookkeeper, an ICU senior sister, a leadership coach, a self-employed swim instructor, a corporate accounts manager, … it worked for all of them.
And it can work for you.
And it’s super easy to find that out 100% risk free. Come in. Check it all out – the training modules, the worksheets, the coaching calls. See how it is all broken down into a proven, step-by-step framework for you to follow.
You get immediate access to Modules 0 & 1. And on day 7, the first of the Bonus modules.
Not happy at the end of 14 days?… then you can get a full refund.
If I was expecting to be inundated with refund requests I’d give out my assistant’s email address. But I’m so confident that you’re going to be eager for the next module that I’m happy for you to email me personally.
Just drop me an email at
In the bottom right of your screen you’ll see a ‘Message me’ button. Pop your question there. And I’ll answer you personally.
I’m a mum of 3, wife, dog owner. Lover of early morning yoga and dark chocolate.
And I run my own business… All in Good Time.
Just like you, I am balancing lots of different aspects of my life. I know that the juggle is real.
Confession time… I like planning, spreadsheets and making lists. However, I appreciate not everyone around me shares this enthusiasm.
BUT… they will say things like ‘I don’t know how you keep it all together’ or ‘I wish I could be as organised as you’.
I work with women who are juggling work, family & home.
Who on the outside look like they’re doing a pretty decent job of holding it all together.
Financial advisers, leadership coaches, headteachers, to name but a few.
Inside though they feel like they’re spinning plates and that any moment one (or more!) of them could wobble and come crashing down.
They’ve also an inner sense that they’re capable of more. That next position at work. Or doubling their business. Or getting that higher level qualification.
But… they hold back. Worried that if they’re only just about keeping it all together right now, what will happen if they step up into that bigger vision.
Together we streamline their current life. Set them on firm foundations.
And then we co-create an action plan that sets out the path for them to step into their bigger vision. To live into their potential. To live a calm, organised and fulfilling life.